sâmbătă, 26 iunie 2010

Apel umanitar

Asociatia „Col.umna Club”, Fara scop patrimonial
SEDIUL:Str. Izvorul Rece nr.5, Bl. A10, Ap.20
Sectorul 4,  Bucuresti, ROMANIA
CIF Nr. 23014668
Cont RO82PIRB4203724931001000
TEL:0757-166808; 0264-314374
Persoana de contact: IOAN MUREA
„Sa iubesti pe aproapele tau ca pe tine insuti”
                Marcu cap XII versetul31
Asociatia umanitara „Col.umna Club” este persoana juridica de drept privat, apolitica, fara scop patrimonial (non profit), ONG cu preocupari in domeniul protectiei sociale, privind problematica persoanelor in varsta.
Asociatia „Col.umna Club” a fost conceputa si constituita ca o necesitate stringenta si obiectiva de catre un grup de cadre militare in retragere, pentru protectie sociala, colaborare si utilitate publica.
In acest sens preocuparile noastre au ca grup tinta persoanele de varsta a III-a si a IV-a, care sunt singure, neajutorate, nevoiase si nu se mai pot intretine singure.
In vederea preintampinarii acestui tragic si inevitabil deznodamant, Asociatia „Col.umna Club” are ca drept scop dezvoltarea si diversificarea serviciilor de protectie si asistenta sociala care in alternanta  cu cele existente la nivel local sa vina in sprijinul acestei categorii de persoane defavorizate si marginalizate de societate, cat si infintarea unui Centru de asistenta sociala de tip familial – locuinta protejata – dotat cu atelier de terapie ocupationala destinat asistentei si ingrijirii unui numar de cca. 100 persoane de varsta a III-a si a IV-a singure, neajutorate.
In acest sens in urma demersurilor intreprinse ne-a fost atribuit in folosinta gratuita, un teren in suprafata de 4 Ha situat pe raza comunei Aiton jud. Cluj, in baza incheierii nr. 2546/11.02.2010 prin care s-a intabulat dreptul de folosinta gratuita a terenului pe perioada mentinerii destinatiei imobilului de „Centru pentru ocrotirea si ingrijirea persoanelor pensionari din Cadrul Apararii Nationale, Ordinii si Sigurantei Nationale” teren pe care urmeaza sa se construiasca acest edificiu realizat la standardele de calitate impuse de UE in domeniu si 7 Ha pentru construirea unei anexe a centrului, in baza incheierii nr. 2547/11.02.2010 prin care s-a intabulat dreptul de folosinta gratuita a terenului pe perioada mentinerii destinatiei imobilului de „Centru pentru ocrotirea si ingrijirea persoanelor pensionari din Cadrul Apararii Nationale, Ordinii si Sigurantei Nationale”, microferme care sa asigure necesarul de legume, carne, lapte, preparate din lapte precum si o parte din furajele necesare, restul fiind achizitionate de peplan local.  Motiv pentru care in mod pe deplin justificat desfasuram in prezent o ampla campanie de strangere de fonduri atat din tara cat si din strainatate, in vederea ridicarii, amenajarii si dotarii acestui centru.
In scopul de a veni in sprijinul unor semeni de ai nostri aflati in singuratate si intr-o situatie sociala precara in scopul egalizarii sanselor pentru acesti nefericiti ai sortii, adresam persoanelor fizice si juridice rugamintea de a contribui cu o suma care le sta in putinta, in contul              
RO 82 PIRB 4203 7249 3100 1000  (RON)
RO 14 PIRB 4203 7249 3100 2000 (EUR)
RO 14 PIRB 4203 7249 3100 3000 (USD)
RO 14 PIRB 4203 7249 3100 4000 (GBP)
deschise la PIRAEUS BANK, sau cu redirectionarea a 2% din impozitul pe venitul avut pe anul 2009 in contul RO 82 PIRB 4203 7249 3100 1000 conform formularului atasat 230 si daca sunteti din alte localitati fata de Turda v-as ruga dupa complectarea lui sa-l depuneti la ANAF-ul localitatii de care apartineti (Finante) pana la 01.04.2010, si o confirmare prin e-mail cum ca l-ati depus.
In situatia in care v-am starnit interesul pentru realizarea acestui proiect, va rugam sa ne contactati la numarul de telefon :40.757.166.808 si noi va vom furniza toate amanuntele.
26 IUNIE  2010                                                                    Asociatia „Col.umna Col”
                                                                                                Presedinte Filiala Cluj 
Ioan Murea
‘Col.umna Club’ association
No patrimonial interest
Social protection-oriented ONG
HEADQUARTERS: no. 5 Izvorul Rece street, Bl.
 A10, ap. 20, Sector 4, Bucharest, Romania
Registration certificate no. 86/2007, Sector 4 Law Court, Bucharest
CIF No. 23014668
Bank Account: RO82PIRB4203724931001000 – ROL
          RO14PIRB4203724931002000 (EUR)
          RO14PIRB4203724931003000 (USD)
          RO14PIRB4203724931004000 (GBP)
Piraeus Bank, Victoria branch, Bucharest
Contact person: IOAN MUREA, TEL:0757-166808; e-mail:
ascol.cluj@gmail.com, president of the Cluj branch

Humanitarian Appeal

The ‘Col.umna Club’ humanitarian association is a private law, apolitical legal person, with no patrimonial interest (non-profit), an NGO dealing in social protection, namely approaching the problems of aged people. The ‘Col.umna Club’ association was regarded as a stringent and objective necessity by a group of retired army officers, who conceived and constituted it for the means of social protection, public utility and collaboration. In this respect, the target-group of our preoccupations is constituted by the old and very old aged persons who are alone, helpless and poor, not able to sustain themselves anymore. In order to prevent such a tragic and inevitable outcome, the ‘Col.umna Club’ association established its goal in the development and diversification of the protection and social assistance services which, by means of their alternation with those existing at a local level, should come to the aid of this category of persons, who are forgotten and marginalized by society, as well as in the bringing into existence of a family-type centre for social assistance – protected house –, outfitted with a workshop for occupational therapy, meant for the assistance and care taking of approximately 100 old are very old aged persons. For this, following the actions we undertook, we were allotted 2 hectares of terrain in the Aiton commune, Cluj county, where this edifice is going to be built respecting the UE-imposed quality standards, as well as 9 hectares for the building of a micro complex meant to ensure the necessary of vegetables, meat, milk and milk-based products for the centre, as well as some of the provender needed for the animals, the rest of which is to be purchased locally. This is the cause for which we are now running an ample fund-raising campaign, both at national and international level. With the aim of assisting some of our own kind who find themselves in solitude and in a precarious social situation, in trying to offer equal chances to the people with such a sad destiny, we address you as physical or juridical persons an appeal to contribute with any sum of money you may afford.
In the case we stirred your interest for the realization of this project, please contact us using the phone number 0757-166-808 or the e-mail address ascol.cluj@gmail.com, and we will provide you with all the details.

IUNIE  2010
President of the ‘Col.umna Club’ association Cluj county branch, Ioan MUREA

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